End of Financial Year 2024 Strategies for Australian Expats

As the end of the financial year (EOFY) approaches in Australia, property investors like you face a unique set of opportunities and challenges. This period is not just a time for reflection on the past year's achievements and setbacks but also a critical time for planning and implementing strategies to maximise your returns and minimise your tax liabilities.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or relatively new to the property market, understanding the nuances of EOFY planning can significantly impact your financial outcomes. In this blog, we'll explore key strategies that can help you navigate tax implications, maximise deductible expenses, and optimise your property portfolio.

Section 1: Understanding Tax Implications

Tax time can be daunting, but with a strategic approach, you can turn it into an opportunity to enhance your investment's profitability. Let's break down some of the critical tax considerations for property investors.

Depreciation Schedules

One of the most effective ways to reduce your taxable income is through a depreciation schedule. As a property investor, you can claim depreciation on the building's structure and the fixtures and fittings within it. This non-cash deduction can significantly reduce your taxable income, and you don’t need to spend any money in the current year to claim it.

To ensure you're maximising this deduction, consider obtaining a professional quantity surveyor’s report. This report will provide a detailed breakdown of all depreciable items and help you claim the maximum allowable amount. It's an upfront investment that can lead to substantial tax savings in the long run. Remember, the cost of preparing this report is also tax-deductible.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Considerations

When you sell a property, it's essential to understand the implications of Capital Gains Tax (CGT). CGT is the tax on the profit made from selling your property, and it can take a significant bite out of your returns if not managed properly. However, there are strategies to reduce its impact.

Firstly, consider the timing of your sale. If you've held the property for more than 12 months as an Australian tax resident, you're eligible for a 50% CGT discount if you're an individual. This discount can significantly decrease the tax you need to pay. Planning your sale around this rule can be highly beneficial. It’s important to note that this discount doesn’t apply for Australian expats, but in many cases can be pro-rated if the property is sold while you’re an Australian tax resident. It’s important to seek professional advice in this area.

Furthermore, if you're considering selling a property that might incur a hefty CGT, think about selling in a year when your income might be lower. This strategy can reduce the overall tax rate applied to your capital gain, as CGT is calculated based on your total taxable income.

Section 2: Maximising Deductible Expenses

A savvy property investor knows that maximising deductible expenses is key to reducing taxable income. Here’s how you can make sure you're not leaving any deductions on the table.

Immediate Deductions

There are numerous expenses associated with managing and maintaining a rental property that you can deduct immediately. These include advertising for tenants, body corporate fees, council rates, garden maintenance, insurance, interest on loans, land tax, and property management fees. Keeping thorough records and receipts for all these expenses throughout the year will ensure that you can claim everything you're entitled to.

Borrowing Expenses

When you first take out a loan for your property, you might incur various borrowing expenses. These can include loan establishment fees, lender’s mortgage insurance, title search fees, and costs for preparing and filing mortgage documents. These expenses are not immediately deductible; instead, they are usually deductible over five years or the term of the loan, whichever is shorter. Understanding how to correctly amortise these costs can provide ongoing tax benefits.

Renovation and Improvement Costs

It's important to differentiate between repairs and improvements, as this will affect how you claim these expenses. Repairs, such as fixing broken windows or replacing a faulty water heater, are generally deductible immediately. However, improvements, like renovating a kitchen or adding a patio, are considered capital works and must be depreciated over time.

Identifying and claiming all relevant expenses as deductions can significantly decrease your taxable income, enhancing the profitability of your investment property.

Maximising your deductible expenses not only helps in reducing your current year’s tax liability but also enhances the overall cash flow from your property. As you gear up for the EOFY, take the time to review all potential deductions with your tax advisor to ensure no stone is left unturned.

Section 3: Optimising Your Portfolio

As the end of the financial year approaches, it's a perfect time to review and optimise your property portfolio to ensure it aligns with your long-term investment goals. Here’s how you can scrutinise the performance of your investments and make informed decisions about potential adjustments.

Reviewing Portfolio Performance

Begin by assessing the performance of each property in your portfolio. Look at the rental yield, capital growth, ongoing costs, and overall return on investment. Compare these metrics against the market trends and your investment objectives. Is each property performing as expected? Are there properties that consistently underperform or cost more in maintenance and repairs than they return in rental income?

Such an analysis might reveal that it's time to let go of underperforming assets or invest more in those that are yielding high returns. Regular reviews not only help in maximising your profits but also in minimising risks and exposure to unfavourable market conditions.

Asset Restructuring

Based on your review, consider restructuring your portfolio. This might mean selling off properties that don't meet your financial goals or are likely to depreciate in value. The funds obtained from these sales can be reinvested into more promising markets or property types that offer better growth potential and returns.

Additionally, think about diversification. If your current investments are heavily concentrated in a single area or property type, consider branching out. Diversifying your portfolio can reduce risk and improve your overall return on investment, as different property markets can react differently to economic changes.

Section 4: Planning for the Future

With a well-optimised portfolio, your next step is to focus on the future. How can you continue to grow and protect your investments in the upcoming financial year?

Superannuation and Property Investing

One innovative strategy is considering the role of your superannuation in property investing. Investing in property through a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) can offer tax advantages in some instances, however it’s critical to obtain professional advice here. Investment properties held within an SMSF can benefit from concessional tax rates and the ability to claim deductions related to property expenses can in some cases enhance your overall return.

However, this strategy does come with strict regulatory requirements and should be approached with careful planning and professional advice. It's crucial to understand the rules and ensure that your investment strategy complies with superannuation laws.

Looking Ahead to Next Year

Finally, set your goals for the next financial year. Consider what markets are emerging, what economic factors might affect property prices, and how you can position your portfolio to take advantage of new opportunities. Setting clear, actionable goals can provide direction for your investment activities and help you maintain a proactive approach to property management.

Develop a budget that includes potential income and expenditures related to your properties. Planning for expenses like property maintenance, management fees, and potential vacancy periods will ensure that you stay financially stable and continue to generate positive cash flow from your investments.


As we wrap up our discussion on EOFY strategies for property investors, remember that the key to successful investing is staying informed and proactive. By understanding your tax obligations, maximising your deductible expenses, optimising your property portfolio, and planning ahead with strategic goals, you can enhance your investment’s profitability and secure your financial future.

Ready to refine your property investment strategies and ensure you’re set for success in the next financial year? Contact us at Ally Property Group for a complimentary discussion, where our experts are ready to help you navigate the complexities of property investment and maximise your returns. Let’s make the next financial year your most successful yet.


Embark on your property investment journey with Ally Property Group, your trusted ally in Australia's real estate market. Our expert advisers are dedicated to crafting personalised investment strategies for Australian expats and residents alike, aiming to enhance your portfolio and maximise returns. Start building your wealth with Ally Property Group, where strategic insights, analysis and modelling leads to prosperous investments.

We’re more than just property advisers. As Australian expats ourselves, we've navigated the intricate world of property investment both at home and abroad. With a legacy rooted in financial services, we offer a holistic, transparent, and strategic approach, ensuring you're equipped with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions.

Book an obligation-free, complimentary consultation here today.

General Information Warning: The information contained herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute in any way, personal advice. You should not act on any recommendation without considering your personal needs, circumstances, and objectives. We recommend you obtain professional property investment advice specific to your circumstances.

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