The Rental Vacancy Rate in Australia

If you're currently renting in Australia or considering entering the rental market, you've likely felt the squeeze of climbing rent prices and the challenge of finding available properties. Across the nation, the rental vacancy rate has plummeted to a near-historic low of just 0.9%, a number that starkly outlines the severity of what many are now calling a rental crisis​ ​​ ​. In this blog post, we’ll explore how we've arrived at this point, the factors driving this shortage, and the direct impact it's having on both rent prices and the everyday lives of Australians.

Current Rental Vacancy Rates

Understanding the current landscape of rental vacancy rates in Australia requires a look at both national trends and regional specifics. Nationally, the vacancy rate has dropped significantly, with some cities experiencing rates as low as 0.3% in Adelaide, reflecting a tight market where demand far outstrips supply​​. This is not just a minor fluctuation; it’s a robust indicator of a deep-seated issue that is affecting renters across the country.

In Perth and Brisbane, the situation is particularly dire, with vacancy rates hovering around 0.6%, and in Sydney, a slight relief is felt with a rate of about 1.1%​ ​​ ​. These numbers might seem small, but they represent a massive challenge for those searching for rental accommodation. A low vacancy rate means fewer options available on the market, leading to increased competition and, inevitably, higher rent prices.

What does this mean for renters? If you’re looking in these cities, prepare for a competitive environment where properties are snapped up quickly and often at a premium. This scarcity of rental properties is not just an inconvenience; it’s a significant stressor for many, particularly for those on lower incomes or those moving to these cities without an established support network.

Factors Contributing to Low Vacancy Rates

Several key factors contribute to the current low rental vacancy rates, each intertwining with the others to tighten the squeeze on the market. One of the primary drivers is the mismatch between supply and demand. Australia has seen significant population growth over the years, not matched by a corresponding increase in housing developments. This imbalance is exacerbated in urban areas where migration tends to be concentrated​ ​.

Economic conditions have also played a critical role. Rising interest rates and increased cost of living expenses have put additional pressure on renters and potential homeowners alike. For many, the dream of purchasing a home has become more challenging to achieve, forcing them to stay in the rental market longer than anticipated, which keeps the demand for rentals high​ ​.

Moreover, changes in investor behaviour have influenced the rental landscape significantly. With the tightening of regulations around lending and a shift in the tax benefits associated with property investment, many investors have withdrawn from the market. This withdrawal has led to a decrease in the availability of rental properties, as fewer investors mean fewer rental units available​ ​.

These factors are complex and interconnected, each exacerbating the other to create a challenging environment for renters in Australia. As a renter, understanding these dynamics can help you navigate the market more effectively and perhaps even advocate for changes that could alleviate some of these pressures.

In our next sections, we will delve deeper into how these low vacancy rates are impacting rent prices and what measures are being taken to address this pressing issue. Stay tuned as we explore the broader implications of this crisis and the steps that could be taken to help both renters and the overall housing market stabilise.

Impact on Rent Prices

As renters navigate the fiercely competitive rental market in Australia, one of the most palpable effects of low vacancy rates is the upward pressure on rent prices. Cities like Perth have witnessed rent increases at rates that can only be described as alarming, significantly impacting affordability for many renters. For instance, recent data indicates that Perth experienced rent growth close to 20% over the past year, a similar trend was also seen across other major cities​ ​.

This surge in rent is not merely a statistic; it directly affects your budget and lifestyle. With rents climbing, you might find a significant portion of your income now goes solely towards keeping a roof over your head. This scenario places immense pressure on lower and even middle-income earners, pushing them to either downgrade their living conditions or allocate an unsustainable portion of their income to rent. The situation is exacerbated by the competition for affordable units, where multiple prospective tenants might be vying for the same property, sometimes even bidding above the asking price to secure a lease​ ​.

Government and Legislative Responses

In response to the tightening rental market and its repercussions on affordability, the Australian government and several state governments have introduced a range of measures aimed at providing relief to renters and stabilising the market. One of the significant steps has been the banning of no-grounds evictions in some states, which offers greater security to tenants, ensuring they cannot be evicted without just cause​ ​.

Moreover, the Federal Government has rolled out ambitious initiatives such as the $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund. This fund aims to build 30,000 social and affordable housing units over five years, addressing both the supply shortage and providing more affordable housing options for vulnerable populations​ ​. Additionally, programs like Help to Buy and the Regional First Home Buyer Support Scheme are designed to assist renters transition into homeownership, thereby potentially freeing up rental stock for others.

These legislative and policy measures are crucial in providing immediate relief and long-term solutions. However, the effectiveness of these initiatives largely depends on their implementation and the continuous monitoring of their impact on both the housing and rental markets. As a renter, staying informed about these changes can provide you with opportunities and protections that were not previously available.

Challenges and Criticisms

While government interventions are a step in the right direction, they are not without their challenges and criticisms. Experts and stakeholders in the real estate industry argue that while the measures to protect tenants are necessary, they also need to be balanced with incentives to encourage property investment. The current state sees potential investors pulling out of the market due to decreased profitability and increased regulatory burdens, which inadvertently tightens the rental supply further​ ​.

Critics also point out that some reforms, such as rental freezes and stringent eviction laws, while well-intentioned, might lead to adverse effects such as landlords withdrawing from the rental market altogether, thus reducing the number of available rental properties​ ​. Additionally, there is concern that the pace of constructing new housing cannot keep up with demand, a situation compounded by current economic pressures like rising material costs and labour shortages, which delay construction projects and escalate costs​ ​.

Addressing these challenges requires a nuanced approach that considers the needs of both renters and landlords. Effective solutions should aim to increase supply through incentives for builders and investors, ensure affordability for renters, and create a regulatory environment that encourages the maintenance and expansion of rental stock.

As we conclude, the path forward involves a collaborative effort between government, industry, and community stakeholders to foster a balanced, accessible, and sustainable rental market. Understanding these dynamics and participating in community discussions can empower you to advocate for changes that not only benefit individual renters but also contribute to the health of the entire housing ecosystem in Australia.


As we've explored the complexities of Australia's rental market, it's clear that the challenges are substantial, but not insurmountable. The rental vacancy crisis has profound implications for affordability, quality of life, and economic stability in our communities. Moving forward, it's crucial that all stakeholders—government, industry, and communities—work together to implement and adapt policies that will lead to a healthier rental market.

Addressing the rental crisis requires a sustained commitment to increasing housing supply, particularly in urban areas where demand is highest. This includes not only building more homes but also making strategic use of existing properties and considering innovative housing models that can be developed more quickly and cost-effectively.


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